Planner Note API

API for creating, accessing and updating Planner Notes. PlannerNote are used to set reminders and notes to self about courses or general events.

A PlannerNote object looks like:

// A planner note
  // The ID of the planner note
  "id": 234,
  // The title for a planner note
  "title": "Bring books tomorrow",
  // The description of the planner note
  "description": "I need to bring books tomorrow for my course on biology",
  // The id of the associated user creating the planner note
  "user_id": 1578941,
  // The current published state of the planner note
  "workflow_state": "active",
  // The course that the note is in relation too, if applicable
  "course_id": 1578941,
  // The datetime of when the planner note should show up on their planner
  "todo_date": "2017-05-09T10:12:00Z",
  // the type of the linked learning object
  "linked_object_type": "assignment",
  // the id of the linked learning object
  "linked_object_id": 131072,
  // the Canvas web URL of the linked learning object
  "linked_object_html_url": "",
  // the API URL of the linked learning object
  "linked_object_url": ""

List planner notes PlannerNotesController#index

GET /api/v1/planner_notes

Scope: url:GET|/api/v1/planner_notes

Retrieve the paginated list of planner notes

Retrieve planner note for a user

Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
start_date DateTime

Only return notes with todo dates since the start_date (inclusive). No default. The value should be formatted as: yyyy-mm-dd or ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.

end_date DateTime

Only return notes with todo dates before the end_date (inclusive). No default. The value should be formatted as: yyyy-mm-dd or ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. If end_date and start_date are both specified and equivalent, then only notes with todo dates on that day are returned.

context_codes[] string

List of context codes of courses/users whose notes you want to see. If not specified, defaults to all contexts that the user belongs to. The format of this field is the context type, followed by an underscore, followed by the context id. For example: course_42, user_37

Example Response:

    'id': 4,
    'title': 'Bring bio book',
    'description': 'bring bio book for friend tomorrow',
    'user_id': 1238,
    'course_id': 4567,  // If the user assigns a note to a course
    'todo_date': "2017-05-09T10:12:00Z",
    'workflow_state': "active",
    'id': 5,
    'title': 'Bring english book',
    'description': 'bring english book to class tomorrow',
    'user_id': 1234,
    'todo_date': "2017-05-09T10:12:00Z",
    'workflow_state': "active",
Returns a list of PlannerNotes

Show a PlannerNote PlannerNotesController#show

GET /api/v1/planner_notes/:id

Scope: url:GET|/api/v1/planner_notes/:id

Retrieve a planner note for the current user

Returns a PlannerNote

Update a PlannerNote PlannerNotesController#update

PUT /api/v1/planner_notes/:id

Scope: url:PUT|/api/v1/planner_notes/:id

Update a planner note for the current user

Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
title string

The title of the planner note.

details string

Text of the planner note.

todo_date Date

The date where this planner note should appear in the planner. The value should be formatted as: yyyy-mm-dd.

course_id integer

The ID of the course to associate with the planner note. The caller must be able to view the course in order to associate it with a planner note. Use a null or empty value to remove a planner note from a course. Note that if the planner note is linked to a learning object, its course_id cannot be changed.

Returns a PlannerNote

Create a planner note PlannerNotesController#create

POST /api/v1/planner_notes

Scope: url:POST|/api/v1/planner_notes

Create a planner note for the current user

Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
title string

The title of the planner note.

details string

Text of the planner note.

todo_date Date

The date where this planner note should appear in the planner. The value should be formatted as: yyyy-mm-dd.

course_id integer

The ID of the course to associate with the planner note. The caller must be able to view the course in order to associate it with a planner note.

linked_object_type string

The type of a learning object to link to this planner note. Must be used in conjunction wtih linked_object_id and course_id. Valid linked_object_type values are: 'announcement', 'assignment', 'discussion_topic', 'wiki_page', 'quiz'

linked_object_id integer

The id of a learning object to link to this planner note. Must be used in conjunction with linked_object_type and course_id. The object must be in the same course as specified by course_id. If the title argument is not provided, the planner note will use the learning object's title as its title. Only one planner note may be linked to a specific learning object.

Returns a PlannerNote

Delete a planner note PlannerNotesController#destroy

DELETE /api/v1/planner_notes/:id

Scope: url:DELETE|/api/v1/planner_notes/:id

Delete a planner note for the current user

Returns a PlannerNote